
The Forum will be organized as periodic appointment for gathering together Food Safety System actors in order to share knowledge and best practices, to discuss the Food Safety hot issues, to propose collaborations for improving the efficacy of the Food Safety policies and research in Europe. It will be held in Brussels every year, usually jointly with a European Commission event. The first edition of the Forum will present the platform and the results of the FSOLabs.

FORUM 2023

The first European Food Safety Forum will take place in Brussels on the 28 and 29 November 2023 in Brussels @ La Tricoterie.


FoodSafety4EU pre-forums are events organised with the purpose to ease the discussion and collaboration among researchers, consumers, policymakers, food business operators of the whole value chain, associations, food safety authorities and all other actors working in the food safety domain. The 2 pre-forums – editions 2021 and 2022 – will focus on specific topics to pave the way to and launch the EU Food Safety Forum at the end of 2023. This will represent a permanent and open space for discussion and collaboration of all above-mentioned stakeholders of the sector, contributing to building long-term trusted cooperation among the society, the researchers and policymakers. The core of the EU Food Safety Forum is currently represented by the FoodSafety4EU Supporting Partners, that expressed their interest in such structure from the very beginning. This stakeholder’s platform is open to all entities interested in joining it. Discover how to become our Supporting Partner here!


The first edition of the Pre-Forum was held by FoodSafety4EU on the 15th December 2021 (10.00-12.00 CET, online), gathering an online audience of more than 120 scientists. The topic of this edition was “Sustainable food: how to keep it safe?“.


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