Exploring the relationship between Risk Assessors and Risk Managers: current and future perspectives
The round table discussion aims to explore the relationship between risk assessors and risk managers. High-level experts and EU project coordinators will contribute their expertise and insights to enrich the dialogue.
The discussion is divided into three parts, with the first section setting the context through presentations on the legal architecture of risk analysis, identifying the food safety system, and contributions from Holifood
and FoodSafeR projects. The second part features a dialogue between the experts, including representatives from WUR, EFSA, and FoodDrinkEurope.
The final part encourages an interactive debate and discussion with both the experts and the expert audience of the FS4EU Consortium.
Part I: Setting the Context
Part II: A Dialogue Between High-Level Experts
Part III: Interactive debate/discussion with Experts and the Audience
The outcome of this inspiring dialogue is the Multi-actor policy brief, released on June 26, 2023. |
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