Workshop: “La valutazione del rischio in sicurezza alimentare: opportunità formative e scientifiche”

Events | 2024-09-11 | Veronica Lattanzio
Date: 10:00 - 17 September 2024
Promoted by: CNR ISPA
Place: on-site - Rome

The Workshop “Risk Assessment in food safety: training and scientific opportunities will be held on September 17, 2024, in Rome, Italy.
The Workshop contributes to feed a collaboration project between the Italian National Focal point of EFSA and the – Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Lazio e Toscana (IZSLT), to provide knowledge and tools to approach training opportunities in the field of animal health assessment.
During the event, the speakers will offer an overview of national and European experiences, opportunities and perspectives, for professional development and networking to university students, postgraduates or young professionals interested in the sector of risk assessment in food safety, and professionals.
Dr. @Veronica Lattanzio, EU FOOD SAFETY PLATFORM Coordinator, will present the networking experiences and cooperation that have arisen in the framework of the EU-FORA supervision as a host organization and the FoodSafety4EU project.