The Potential of AI in Food Risk Prevention

Reports, scientific publications | 2024-09-16 | Nunzia Cito, Veronica Lattanzio

Food Safety and Artificial Intelligence: how AI can truly transform strategies for preventing food risks?
The new discussion paper, edited by Agroknow in the framework of the EFRA EU project, gathers position statements by strategic players of the EU Food Safety scenario, including academies, research centres, industry professionals, and organizations.
The EU Food Safety Platform position statement highlights the role of AI in unravelling and managing
food safety risks in the future. This has been explored in the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Food Safety in Europe (FS4EU SRIA), recently released by the FoodSafety4EU project.

As a Science-Policy-Society interface, the EU Food Safety Platform underlines the need “for the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in the interface between scientific advice and food risk management. AI based modelling and computational tools enable faster information gathering, synthesis, and analysis. Such tools will therefore facilitate evidence-based decision-making, also during food safety incidents, leading to improved crisis management, resource allocation, and response strategies.”

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