ENVI Activity Report 2019-2024
The Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety – ENVI of the European Parliament released the activity report presenting its accomplishments over the past five years, after the Parliament’s 9th parliamentary cycle.
Among others, ENVI is responsible for food safety issues, including in particular:
(a) the labelling and safety of foodstuffs,
(b) veterinary legislation concerning protection against risks to human health;
public health checks on foodstuffs and food production systems,
(c) the European Food Safety Authority and the European Food and Veterinary Office.
Latest Policies, strategies, debates
Rethinking our food systems: A guide for multi-stakeholder collaboration by FAO
ENVI Activity Report 2019-2024
Research needs and priorities for the transformation to sustainable food systems at the European and global level
EU Communication: Boosting biotechnology and biomanufacturing in the EU
Horizon Europe strategic plan 2025-2027
Transition pathway for the agri-food industrial ecosystem
Most Interesting Policies, strategies, debates
Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Food Safety in Europe
Rethinking our food systems: A guide for multi-stakeholder collaboration by FAO
ENVI Activity Report 2019-2024