FoodSafety4EU Interactive workshop – 25.06.21

Events | 2021-05-25 | Alessio Livio Spera
Date: 25 June 2021

New schemes supporting food safety and consumers in Europe: a voice from the FoodSafety4EU platform

6th ISEKI-Food International Conference – Post-Conference event

25 June 2021 | 14.00 – 15.30 CEST
Online Event | Free Participation

Register here!

Food safety is a top priority for the European Commission, whose policies aim at ensuring a high level of protection of human life and consumers’ interests in relation to food, while guaranteeing an effective functioning of the internal market.
However, when risk communication is not effective enough, it can have a negative impact on citizens’ trust in risk management decisions. The new Transparency Regulation (2019/1381) is a direct response to recent consumer concerns on the transparency of the process of safety assessment of our foods and is expected to drive the Food Safety System towards a more effective risk communication between Commission, EFSA, Member states, and public stakeholders.

This workshop is intended as an interactive discusssion on the impact of the new provisions of the Transparency Regulation calling for an integrated framework for risk communication by EU food safety risk assessors and risk managers at Union and national level. Panelists representing the main categories of Food Safety actors (Food Safety Agencies, food scientists, food business operators, consumers) will dicuss with the audience during an interactive round table.

Under the edge of the new Transparency Regulation, the EU-funded FoodSafety4EU project will design, develop and release a multi-stakeholder platform for the future European Food Safety System (FSS) to enable them to access resources and data efficiently, synchronise food safety research strategies, share and exchange scientific knowledge and contribute to transparent communication regarding the FSS.

The outcomes of the discussion will be made available on the FoodSafety4EU website

The full agenda is available here:

Registrations are closed but you can watch the live streaming event on our Facebook page! Moreover, you can join the roundtable discussion using ( and enter the code #FS4EU.

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